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Red Rock Pass

Several people have asked why a Red Rock Pass is required to park on the side of the road when you're in Sedona or the Oak Creek Canyon areas. At first glance, it seems like a quick way for the government entity that implemented the program to easily take advantage of tourists and try to get them to spend every last dollar. In reality, it's a bit more complex than that.

A Red Rock Pass must be displayed in or on your vehicle whenever you're parked on the National Forest in this area. This does not apply to vehicles that are in-tow. Also, this is a use fee, not an entry fee, so no pass is required to travel through Red Rock Country. In addition, passes are also not required for incidental stops, such as a quick break to take a picture or use a restroom. For longer period parking, a pass is required, and Forest Offices can issue a $30 citation for vehicles parked without displaying their pass.

The reason for the pass is to help maintain the environment as close to its natural state as possible. This area sees millions of tourists each year, and certain practices and policies need to be put into place to provide for such maintenance.

The cost of a Red Rock Pass is very nominal. Only $5 for a daily pass, $15 for a weekly pass, $20 for an annual pass, and $40 for a grand annual pass (provides for visits to certain day-use sites).

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